A while ago - that is, a few years back, I used to write a lot. When I would write, it would be mostly poetry. Maybe a few words of prose, a couple short stories, and now and then a keepsake of memories laid out on a notebook to which words would tumble out in such a way that they would sound like whimsical music to the ears.
Even now, those words tremble like tiny notes in the breeze.
Then I stopped writing.
I'm not sure why I did. But when I stopped, I had no outlet. For a while I couldn't decide what to do with myself. Then while I was thinking and doing my own thing I came upon role-playing in Second Life. Within role-playing I was able to story tell. I was able to capture a story and tell it through my eyes.
But it also went beyond. I could create a character.
Those characters...could be anyone...and because they could be anyone, it allowed me to be open with myself and do things that would be unspeakable. To get down and dirty: sex, drugs, and rock & roll. That's what role-play is about - story telling. Whether you are doing it within a post apoc sim, a gorean sim, a steampunk sim, or a dirty urban city sim - it's story telling.
It keeps my fingers nimble and my mind creative.
The Paradise
We are moving along. Slowly but surely, Paradise Lost is gradually getting people and stories. It's taking it's time but we're getting people.
The Fashion
The Season's Gatcha - Winter has opened up. I themed some of my things around an idea of what someone in my sim would wear...a girl caught on her way back to the flophouse in the early morning after a night of work...
Skin: al vulo - frida *passion tan *Group Gift*
Shape: My own
Make-Up: [mock] Darkened
Mood Garnets Makeover
Hair: Tiny Bird - Love You More - Deep Warm Black (FLF)
Eyes: .ID. December Group Gift / Brown
Eyelashes: Mynerva
Shirt: Lark - Enten Shirt - Pirouzeh (Seasons Gatcha Winter)
Skirt: R.icielli - ANTO II highwaisted skirt / cherry
*Winter Hunt*
Shoes: Ingenue ::Abrial Boot:: French Vanilla (Seasons
Gatcha Winter)
Earrings: [ glow ] studio - Huge pearl Drop earrings (russet
silver) (Seasons Gatcha Winter)
Ring: PIDIDDLE - Gawdy Ring - Citrine (Seasons Gatcha
Bag: Tee*fy Mini Crossbody Bag (Used Leather Red) (Seasons
Gatcha Winter)
Location: Cassava
Listening: Hall and Oates "Maneater"
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